For me, today is about as frustrating as a day can get in my current situation. Meaning, keeping in mind the perspective that I am still living the dream in San Sebastián, it isn't such a bad day. But compared to other moments here, I'm just ready to say "aaaargh!"
I had 4 English classes again, my last ones in fact, but perhaps due to the heat I was beat after just 2. Anyways, then I headed to my host fam's for lunch. I asked last week if I could come since I was on a tight sched and the 1st school is right near their house. However, I am out of minutes so I sent Kelsey a msg to double check that it was ok this morning. I rang twice and nobody answered, and I didn't wanna be a pest so I just left. As I was leaving I was a tinge sad to be forgotten about, but I also thought "but...but what if she made me lentejas?" Anyways, I got over that ~pain~ by eatting half of a frozen pizza. Far from home-cooking, but oh well. After the last class I was supposed to meet my friend at the spa to get some "relax" in. Unfortunately she was unable to make it and we were then going to hang on the beach since I already had my swimsuit with me. Walking the length of the beach in long pants, I finally made it to the bathroom/changing areas only to find out you apparently have to pay for that luxury. Frustrated, hot, and tired I just went home. Bahh! Such nice weather and I wasted a siesta indoors.
Anyways, that was only minor frustration, no pasa nada. When it really started to pain me was when I saw the notice that my favorite Spanish band, and truthfully favorite band that currently plays period, is going on tour. In September. Of course, I will not be here during that time. Out of all the months I've been here, they couldn't have decided to go on tour?! Seriously! Estuve pero
rabiosa!! WHYYYYYY!?!?! On second thought, at least it is a while after I'm gone and not like a few weeks. If that were the case you can bet I would be in a hurry to change my ticket's departure date jejeje. But really...I just can't even deal with the harsh reality at this moment! Buaaaaa.
Then, la gota que colmó el vaso: I found out my host madre did indeed make lentejas. Just for me, since she doesn't even like them but knows I do. GOSH DARN THIS DAY. Pedazo de mierda, de verdad! Es que...Kelsey left a message that said I might have to wait 10 mins bc madre was going to the store at 1, but obviously I didn't get it til after the fact. I MISSED THE LENTEJAS! Buuu. On the plus side, I will be going for leftovers tomorrow. :D
And honestly, I realize that all this complaining is illegitimate bc I'm in Spain! It is always a fabulous day here! I haven't posted in a while bc I've been busy. There have been moments when I remembered how extra lucky I am, but you just won't get to read thos. :P Oh, other pain of the day is tomorrow I have 2 papers due: 20 pages on Basque Carnivales and 6 on Buñuel. Nearly finished, so it's a huge relief to me.