mércores, 2 de maio de 2012

Today was a swell day. The weather was de maravilla, the students I worked with were well-behaved, everything was splendid. Yes today was an English teaching day, in fact I had 4 classes rather than the usual 1. The first 3 were at an Ikastola, meaning the classes are taught in Basque. Aw yeah, how exciting! There were even international students--one each from China, Ecuador, and England. That impressed me because these kids came here perhaps not even knowing Spanish (ok, obviously the ecuatoriano did), and now they are taking classes in Euskera, Spanish, and English. Quite amazing! Actually, the British student knows Spanish and Basque for class, and speaks English and Welsh at home. Welsh and Basque! An incredible linguistic combination, really. In addition to these pleasant classes, my regular class that tends to be disinterested in anything I say (it's age-appropriate I guess) seemed more attentive than usual. Jeez, 4 classes is almost like being a real teacher. Haha, almost. To wrap up a tiring day, I took a nap on the beach. C'est ma vie!

Yesterday and Monday were free days thanks to the puente. Since Tuesday was Labor Day, in Spain the Monday is automatically also a holiday. Word on the street is Rajoy (current president) wants to change it. I'd like to see him try, as these folks are loco for puentes! :D I went to Ireland for a few days (post to follow) and yesterday went to the local cemetary. Morbid? Perhaps. There is only one in San Sebastian, so I wanted to investigate. Well, in case you were curious as to differences between a Spanish and American cemetary, there are no grassy pastures in this one. Just rows of ornate tombstones, dedicated to entire families rather than couples. Many of them say "Property of Don Jose Fulano" (example) and then list all of the relatives buried there. I saw one with the oldest having died in the 1890s and then the most recent in the 2000s. A lot of family history in one hole eh.