mércores, 16 de abril de 2014

Picos de Europa: Or the 7 Natural Wonders of Northern Spain

Oh the wonders I have seen! This weekend on our Girl's Trip to Picos de Europa in Asturias and Cantabria, I honestly believe I've seen what should be considered the Seven Natural Wonders of Spain...or something like it. Incredible views both in the mountains and on the beach-- and on beaches surrounded by mountains. At times I felt like I was on another planet with the interesting rock formations. On the drive home we stopped at about four beaches, which might have been excessive but every time we got out to explore, I was left more impressed and intrigued than by the last. Obviously we're not talking about just sandy beaches, but ones with sick rock formations and little grottos. Since between the four of us we probably took 500 pictures, instead of writing I'm just going to include a plethora of photos. So if your computer is slow, you might just wanna skip this post. :) However I will say that after passing through many a-town, we would all say "If I had a country house it would be here" I've decided on the ideal: Cangas de Onís for during the week, and then San Sebastián or another coastal city for the weekends.