Back in Lugo and it feels glorious! I had a sickness-free, 24-hour journey to get here, and for that I am grateful. The 3 best friends that anyone could have were at the bus station to welcome me. The first night back was surreal. Of course I was out of it from barely sleeping, but on top of that being with darling people I hadn't seen in months made me feel like I was dreaming! I am currently staying in my friend's house, and excitingly WE'VE ALREADY FOUND A PISO! Yujuuuu! More on that another time.
Last night was our first night out again in this little city we know so well. It started with a punk rock concert--Spanish covers of which I knew a few. Sweet! I have a feeling (and the expectation) that this year will be full of live music. Well, at least through October! Afterwards we went to some of our "old haunts," and in surprising yet typical Spanish fashion, arrived home around 6:30 AM. Bien se vive!
In other news, kids have been singing and clapping (estilo andaluz) outside for HOURS. It's midnight now, and it appears they've finally decided to move along.