Part 2 of our
day trip weekend reminded us that Spain seriously has a bit of everything. While the first day found us in green and flowery gardens, Sunday we went to a park reminiscent of Arizona or Utah. Orange! Except it wasn't natural, it was caused by the Romans who in their time mined and exploited the area for gold. We took a little hike under the hot "desert" sun to check out two caves left from the mining "la cuevona" and "la encantada." In the "enchanted," you can still see the large holes that the Romans tunneled into. Their method was to tunnel down then across, and further down and across a few times and then blow it up. Olé! But northern Spain is not the desert. The orange rocks of las Médulas contrasted with the white, snow-capped mountains of the Ancares in the background. Ah, northern Spain!