What better time to return to blogging than my favorite season, fall? (Or as all the English students here are taught, autumn.) While according to the calendar it's been fall for over three weeks, thanks to global warming, Galicia didn't get the memo until this past weekend. It had been sunny and in the 80s F (that's nearly 30ºC for all you Celsius fans) all throughout the first two weeks of October. Not normal. But now the temperatures have dropped and rain is the only symbol on the weather forecast. Time to light a fire and cozy up inside!
Seeing as the last time I wrote was almost a year ago, a lot has happened since then. It's been a big year! Including but not limited to family visits, international travel, moving, and the list goes on. The end of September also marked my 10 year Spainiversary! It's been a whole decade since I came to Galicia. Hard to believe.
Anyways, this post was just to give fair warning: this blog is once again preparing for take off! So fasten your seatbelts and please make sure your tray is stowed and your seat is in the upright position. Or not.