The ¨dollar stores¨ fill up with costumes and grocery stores suddenly have a surplus of salted meats. Pork faces abound! It's time for Carnival, in Galicia called Entroido (or sometimes even Antroido). While originally I had hoped to be blogging all about the gay old time we were to have at a Carnival celebration in Northern Portugal, due to unforeseen circumstances we had to cancel. This year I will likely go to a nearby Entroido I've already seen. Of course, it's better than nothing.
So until the next new Entroido experience, I shall leave you with a picture from the local produce store. Back home people would find it quite revolting, but here nobody bats an eye. On other occasions I've even seen the pig face perched on a scarecrow-like body! Needless to say, this is a lot less creepy. Bo Entroido!