martes, 22 de novembro de 2011


Hola a tod@s!

This week I am quite busy with schoolwork and other responsibilities, but taking a break to update the blog. Ohhh yeahhh.

This weekend was a gay old time. Friday night a bunch of friends and I went to a huge fiesta of college students at the discoteca. Found out about it thanks to my intercambio Txetxo (awesome name, right?). That was a good time, and we got home around 4:30. Kind of early by Spanish standards, but impressive by my standards. =) Saturday night Gianna and I went to the concert of my host hermano. I liked it more than expected; haven't been to a concert in a while. They play pretty well, except instead of singing it's more of screaming. Ehhh....but it was in a cool locale at least.

Schedule for tomorrow is pretty jam-packed. I'll write it in Spanish first bc I'm sure Uncle Wayne would love to practice...
Despertarme a las 8
Ir a la comisaría para renovar mi visado
Asistir a clases de Cultura, de Idioma, y de Rock
Quedarme con mi intercambio Miriam
Ir de compras al supermercado
Terminar trabajo de solsticios

O sea: wake up at 8; go to the police station to finish renewing my visa; go to Culture class, Language class, and Rock class; meet with my intercambio Miriam; go shopping at the grocery store; finish my paper on solstices. Then that brings us to Thursday--Turkey day! It doesn't really seem like it without attending the annual feast, pero bueno. Hopefully I won't burn dinner.