mércores, 30 de novembro de 2011

Ya di gracias

(Finally) gave my presentation on Extremoduro. YESSSS! I didn't exactly prepare it well, because I knew it would be rushed and really only wanted to be sure that the class got to listen to some of their music. Well first of all, as soon as I pulled up my file titled "Extremoduro," one of the Basque guys in the class did the fake praise motion because he really likes them apparently. Score 1. Then my professor commented on how interesting it was that I am an American, presenting on a Spanish band when everyone else presented on English-speaking artists. And he appreciated the metaphor in the song I played--"the spiderwebs of your heart." Score 2. This isn't the song I shared, but it has a video which demonstrate the lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f6OTiLL26c

On to Thanksgiving. Buenoooo I prepared mashed potatoes and stuffing for my host family. The mashed potatoes were incredibly easy to mash, I think I will have to make them again because I have missed such heavenly delight! The stuffing was dry, but the stuffing that we put in the chicken was actually good. Oh yeah, we had chicken because the only turkeys they sell are HUUUGE and it was only for a family of 4. Anyways, my padre made me put on an apron and 'modern chef hat' for some photos. Host brother was amused by that. It was nice having a real family dinner, since the bro usually doesn't eat with us. I'd say it was the 2nd best way to spend the holiday, apart from at home with my family. They seemed to like the food too, not just saying they enjoyed it through barred teeth haha. Although they surely exaggerated. My madre said it smelled exquisite, and it did smell like Thanksgiving back home! Dessert was a delicious chocolate mousse cake. Yummm! Adding a bit of Basque culture to the meal, we accompanied it with cider. And after-dessert mojitos for a Spanish twist. Wouldn't be a Spanish holiday meal without a filosophical debate. Yeah, I just spelled that with an F. That's how it's done in Españaaa!

Sacré bleu, in less than a week I go to France! That is very exciting for obvious. But also sad because it means the semester is just about over. Gah! After returning there is barely any class before finals and then I ship back to the States for a while. Bittersweet symphony.