martes, 7 de febreiro de 2012

Ni ez naiz Kerry

It smells like fresh laundry in my room. Pleasant! The reason behind it: I did laundry without looking to see if there was space on the clothesline. There isn't. Now I've got clothes hanging all over the place. I'll remember next time.

Today we learned the verb to be in Basque. I kinda already knew it since before coming I studied some Basque on my own. :P Ni Itxaso naiz. Ah, I forgot to mention I have a new Basque name! Itxaso, meaning mar (sea, ocean). I even have an authentic last name: Agirrezabalaga. So, ni Itxaso Agirrezabalaga naiz. I'm really enjoying that class. Makes me feel clever when I recognize words on signs written in euskara. I mean, millions of people speak Spanish, but Basque speakers are fewer and therefore more elite haha.

Other main class is a seminar in preparation for the DELE. I know in the end I will be glad I took it (and hopefully delighted that I passed the Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) but for now it's daunting. The class consists in many practice tests. A 70% is passing, but some of the exercises seem hopeless. On the bright side, my profe told me she thinks I'm doing really well. It is just me & another dude in the class. He's been sick the past 2 days, so it was just mi profe y yo. First I had to give a little presentation, and then came the section where you are given a topic and 15 minutes to prepare a 10 minute talk. I managed 2 minutes. On 2 different attempts of the same exercises. :\ BRUTAL!

This week seems longer than usual, and it's only Tuesday. On the plus side, I don't have any obligations tomorrow. No class, no teaching class, nada de nada! :D It shall be a grand day.

Os dejo una canción que cantamos en la clase de euskera. Espero que sea agradable para vuestros oídos.
I'm leaving you a song we sang in Basque class. Hope it is pleasant to your ears jeje.