mércores, 7 de marzo de 2012

English conversations

It's about 5 pm and I just got back from a day of English conversation/student teaching. Buff! This week I had 5 classes instead of the usual 1. Monday and yesterday I had 1 each. I gave a presentation about myself, and the kids asked questions about me, American life, etc. I let them ask in Spanish because they were a low level of English. They asked me to say something in Spanish, and before I could even finish a sentence they appluaded me hehehe. Also in a few of the classes I told them I was learning Basque--they were amused. Poliki poliki!

Today the first group was pretty rowdy and unenthused by my presence, but luckily a friend of mine came and got their attention--somewhat. Afterwards I went to the school I usually go to. While I was in a hurry, I actually arrived an hour early. That earlier class definitely messed up my schedule. In this class we talked about American holidays. They are usually reluctant to parcipate (they're teenagers, I suppose it's to be expected), but seemed to enjoy making up their own holiday. And lastly I went to a school where I will go every other week. They are the youngest I've worked with --12 years old. They were very well behaved which was nice. Apparently in that school they learn/study Euskera at 2, English at 6, Spanish at 8, and French at 12. Quite impressive!

Bueno now I have to study for the THREE midterms I have tomorrow. Swell!  :|