sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

Pintxos and Concierto

Last night was fanfreakintastic.
First Kelsey and I went for pintxos in Parte Vieja. My delectable pintxo selection included a creamy sauce and possibly oysters, straight from the shell; a pheasant egg on bread; and some fried seafood...squid perhaps. In the second place we met an American girl studying abroad in Barcelona, and travelling alone in San Sebastián for the weekend. She's nice so we invited her to the concert with us, and exchanged numbers so hopefully we'll meet up again this weekend.

So afterwards we met up with Diana to go to ze concert of my host bro's new band. No screaming, just some wicked instrumentals. It was so good! The band after did have screaming--we couldn't tell if it was in Spanish or English it was that distorted. And the final band was definitely my style: a bit punky, but with hard rock rhythms that you could shake your head and hips to. It was a delight. Why can't every weekend contain sweet live music? Answer: Because then it wouldn't be as special. Got home around 4 am. Pretty early, I know. :P